Category: Passenger Cloud
Easier to use timetable previews
After uploading a dataset to Passenger Cloud, the generated timetables can be previewed to check for any issues such as missing stops or lines. The layout of the table has been changed so that as you scroll down and across, the headings can still be seen. This makes it easier to know where you are…
Vehicle livery colours for web and apps
We’re rolling out vehicle livery colours for the web, iOS and Android. This update adds two livery colours to the vehicle illustrations, displayed in the additional vehicle information when a user tracks them in real time. Combined with information such as the vehicle type and vehicle name, it will help give users the confidence they…
Disruptions improvements
Alongside recent improvements to streamline Passenger Cloud’s interface and make it easier to create ticket products, we’ve also been focusing on the Disruptions area of Passenger Cloud. These improvements are updates to the User Interface rather than changes to any of the underlying functionality. They include tidier tables for listing Disruptions and clearer labelling and…
Vehicle types and names on the web
We’ve released a number of updates to the web that incorporate the latest updates from mobile, as well as adding some new features. Vehicle names The vehicle information header now incorporates the line colour – designed to help make it clearer which line this vehicle is running on. Above the vehicle image, we show the…
Ticket creation improvements
A few weeks ago we launched the first of a set of updates to streamline Passenger Cloud’s interface. The next section we’ve been focusing on is how tickets are created. This includes layout improvements to make best use of the screen space, plus new page titles and section labels to ensure each step in the…
Enhanced Vehicle Information with passenger occupancy from crowdsourced and ETM data – websites
Our new Enhanced Vehicle Information has been rolling out over the last week to Passenger websites with Live Buses enabled. It has been designed to help users to understand more about the bus that’s on its way, by providing them with more information than has previously been available to them. This includes payment options accepted…
Streamlining Passenger Cloud’s interface
Improvements have been made to Passenger Cloud’s look and feel to ensure the application continues to be easy to use as we introduce new features. Section titles and other navigation elements – such as the sidebar – now clearly show what is being displayed and how to get to other pages. Key actions, such as…
User account management layout changes
In Passenger Cloud, you can search for users and see information about their ticket purchase history. To provide more key information at a glance and make it clearer how to perform actions, some layout changes have been made. For operators who offer subscriptions, any active or recently cancelled subscriptions the customer has will now display…
Update to line listings
In Passenger Cloud, the list of lines for your network now includes information about their associated PDF assets. Previously, to see which lines have PDF assets and when those assets will be in effect, network administrators would need to check each line individually. To make it easier to collaborate and make updates faster, we have…
Auto cancellation of tickets from disputed payments
Occasionally, payments made for tickets can be disputed by the card issuer. A dispute (also known as a chargeback) happens when a cardholder questions your charge with their card issuer. The issuer begins a formal ‘dispute’ process, which immediately reverses the payment. The payment amount is then deducted from your account balance. In the past,…