Fares in Journey Planner in apps and on websites
As previously communicated before Christmas the new Fares in Journey Planner capability will be released to customers across operator apps and websites on Monday, 12th February 2024. Launch partners should now be coming to the end of feature onboarding with their CSM and will be receiving their launch packs this week. All other operators should…
Unleashing knowledge with Passenger Academy
As unveiled at our customer event, Passenger Live!, yesterday — we’re thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking addition to support the Passenger experience — our brand-new online training platform, Passenger Academy! This new service is designed to take your success to the next level. Elevating your Passenger journey with Academy Our community is the heart of…
Cancelling Gift Codes from Passenger Cloud
Operators will now be able to cancel a gift code from Passenger Cloud, to make it straightforward to prevent a gift code from being claimed. This will save time for operators who want to cancel gift codes that have been issued using the Travel Portal, but where users can’t raise credit because the order was…
Better multi-selects in Passenger Cloud
We’re making it easier for operators to accomplish tasks across different sections of Passenger Cloud quickly with the release of a new multi-select component. A multi-select is a form field that allows you to select multiple options at once, usually from a long list of options. In the new multi-select, you can tap on each…
Managing staff access to Passenger Cloud
So that operators can manage the potential risks caused by personnel changes they can now manage aspects of staff access to Passenger Cloud. Operator staff with the ‘Staff management agent’ role can quickly review staff roles and revoke access to Passenger Cloud at any time of day and on any day of the week, without…
Improving the ticket link from journey planner and departure boards
In preparation for the upcoming Fares in Journey Planner release, we’ve given the ticket quick link (which allows a logged-in user to quickly switch to their already purchased tickets from a journey plan or a departure board) a visual refresh. This includes simplifying the language to reduce cognitive load and make it easier to understand…
Announcing Fares in Journey Planner
Designed to satisfy one of the largest gaps in the customer experience, we are close to the culmination of an innovative programme of work from the last few months. We are excited to announce that from Monday, 12th February 2024, users will be able to see fares for the journeys they are planning. This makes…
Showing cancelled journeys on departure boards
Operators now have the choice of displaying cancelled journeys on departure boards, so they can provide clarity for customers by making it explicit that a specific journey is cancelled. Operators can configure their journey cancellation settings in Passenger Cloud by navigating to Network, Journey Cancellations, and then selecting a new Settings option from the left-hand…
Enhancing Journey Plan previews in Passenger Cloud
To make it easier for operators to preview journey plans in different network datasets we have made several improvements to the journey plan preview tool in Passenger Cloud. The journey plan results interface has been completely overhauled to make better use of space, make it easy to quickly determine the overview of each plan, and…
Improving Favourites on websites
Favourites on operator websites have been made more useful for customers by the addition of supplementary information. This quality of life improvement also means that Favourites on the web now more closely reflect the app experience. It’s now much easier for customers to identify their favourite stops with the addition of the stand identifier and…