Vehicle Monitoring Management in Passenger Cloud
We’ve made some improvements to the management of vehicle monitoring subscriptions in Passenger Cloud. Vehicle monitoring subscription in Passenger Cloud, displaying matched/unmatched counts and a re-subscribe button. Operators can now trigger re-subscriptions to their vehicle monitoring feeds, where supported by the SIRI supplier. When would operators need to re-subscribe? Some SIRI suppliers require re-subscription to…
Improvement to Nearby stops on watch apps
Watch apps now display the distance to nearby stops in time and steps. To help your users understand how close they are to a stop, we now show the length of time and number of steps it is likely to take to walk there. This is displayed in the Nearby stops section of smartwatch apps.…
Improvements to the layout on app promotional pages
Continuing our phased update of the app promotional pages, which started with our recent overhaul of screenshots, we’re making further improvements for all Premium operators that have a Passenger app and website. To ensure the purpose of the page is clear, we’re moving the app screenshot preview to the top and ensuring the links to the…
Enabling geolocation for all maps on websites
We have enabled Geolocation on all web maps. This brings all interactive maps in line with the Explore map, where this was already available. Geolocation allows users to quickly locate themselves on a map, helping them orient themselves when viewing information about their local area. Users can geolocate themselves by tapping the target icon in…
Occupancy level description updates
Following the easing of restrictions across the country, we have updated the descriptions of occupancy levels users see on apps and websites to reflect the experience that the passenger is likely to have if they use that vehicle or visit that stop (web only). Example of vehicle occupancy descriptions. These changes will remain in place…
Dataset error messages
Passenger Cloud has been updated to give better visibility and feedback to operators when a dataset has failed to import. An example of a dataset that failed to import, because it contains two identical XML files. Operators can now view error messages in Passenger Cloud that include a reason for the failure. This will help…
Changes to the device preview on app promotional pages
We’re making updates to the screenshots on Premium app promotional pages. Previously, we showed screenshots in device-specific frames. However, due to the quickly-changing nature of mobile devices, these frames have fallen out of date. We’ll now display screenshots of the app in a responsive device frame, to allow for greater flexibility when screen sizes change…
Ticket reference now searchable in Passenger Cloud
What was previously referred to as a ticket’s Accounting Reference is now called its Reference. We’re making this terminology change because the field is now being used in more ways than the financial analysis identifier it was originally designed for. Ticket products often have the same name, yet are displayed in different categories or have…
Highlighting the current network dataset in Passenger Cloud
When managing datasets in Passenger Cloud, you can now see which of your network datasets is the “current” one – i.e. the dataset that is shown to customers when viewing timetables, departure boards and used to answer journey plan queries. The new label is displayed alongside the other labels for “expired” datasets and “future” datasets…
E-Scooters added to Bike Share
Our bike share integration system now includes support for e-Scooters. Passenger websites and apps with Beryl bike-share integration now show Beryl e-Scooter locations and bays alongside available bikes. Beryl e-Scooters was launched earlier this year as part of a trial run by the Department for Transport (DfT), to understand how they can safely and efficiently…