Every detail matters: Discover the latest enhancements across the platform

To ensure the continued quality of the platform we regularly make small updates across the apps, websites and Passenger Cloud to improve performance, user experience or for any other quality of life enhancement. To keep you up to date with these changes without bombarding you with emails, we will periodically send a summary, such as this one.

Website/mobile improvements

Improving offline ticket capability in apps

From app version 74, iOS and Android apps will provide a smoother experience for users with intermittent network connections. The mobile apps now make better use of offline data, meaning customers with poor connections will be able to view and use valid tickets with fewer issues. This update will also improve security as it makes it harder to share tickets across devices. This enhancement was prompted by recent feedback from operators regarding the use of active tickets in areas with poor coverage.

New options in the vehicle feature list

We have taken feedback from our customers and have added three new options to the vehicle feature list in Passenger Cloud:

  • Security cameras
  • Security cameras with audio
  • Pushchair capacity

Note: The ‘Pushchair capacity’ option allows you to enter a value to indicate how many bays are available. To avoid confusion, it is recommended only selecting this feature where there is dedicated space for pushchairs separate from any wheelchair bays.

New titles on the ‘Things to do’ page

Following some confusion and feedback around which events get displayed on the ‘Things to do’ page, we’ve update the titles of the carousels to “What’s happening” and “Coming up”.

The behaviour of each carousel has not changed. “What’s happening” displays events scheduled within the next 30 days. “Coming up” displays the next 8 events scheduled after 30 days.

Website by Passenger

You’ll see new text at the very bottom left of the website footers which says “Website by Passenger”

Passenger Cloud improvements

Changing ticket availability for multiple tickets

To speed up your workflow, you can now select multiple tickets at once in the ticket table of Passenger Cloud, in order to bulk change their status.

You will see checkboxes to the right of each ticket row, allowing you to select one or many tickets, and then change the ticket status for all selected from “Available” to “Unavailable for sale” or vice versa.

You can also choose to “Select All” if you need to make a universal change across all of your tickets.

Promoting Passenger Academy from the Travel Portal

We recently launched new Passenger Academy courses aimed at businesses that include guidance on how to use the Travel Portal.

In order to create as much reach as possible, these are now advertised within the Travel Portal in the ‘What’s New’ and ‘Travel Portal Guide’ pages.

Showing original price when creating a subscription

Passenger Cloud now displays the standalone one-off purchase price of a ticket when setting up a subscription plan in order for you to choose and apply an appropriate discount amount.

You’ll see the ‘Original price’ when setting up a new subscription plan, and on the detail page of an existing plan.

CMS improvements

We have recently applied a required update to the content management system for websites. It is a small change to the formatting bar which updates some icons and changes the position of certain options:

  • The ‘flag’ has been removed and is now part of the ‘link’ option
  • The ‘add attachment’ icon has changed from a paperclip to a file icon
  • The ‘view full screen’ option has been removed

Platform improvements

These are some of the behind the scenes improvements we’ve been working on:


  • Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation – this month we have achieved a UK certification representing assurances around information security. Cyber Essentials Plus is a significant milestone in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security and protecting your business from potential cyber threats

Maintenance and Security

  • Maptiles service replacement – Passenger utilises a map tiling system to be able to display interactive maps in Passenger and myTrip websites. We run and maintain our own service for delivering these map tiles, so that we do not need to pay expensive licence fees to another provider and those costs do not get passed on to you. This month we have upgraded this map tiling system, improving the performance and reliability of delivering maps in Passenger websites
  • AMI security updates
  • Migrate search function, speeding up OpenStreetMap imports
  • Update operator QR code generation
  • Replace continuous integration service with AWS Codebase

Web rationalisations – reducing the number of different code bases we support 

Creating a gold standard container for our automated tasks for consistency and to simplify updates

For any questions on the content of this blog post, please contact your Customer Success Manager.