User verification before ticket purchase

From Wednesday, 8th March 2023 users will be able to get verified without needing to first purchase a ticket with a verification requirement. Ticketless verification allows users to be proactive in their travel planning and remove any anxiety about being verified at the time they need to travel.

An app screenshot showing how a user will enter the ticketless verification user flow

Users start the verification process in the app by navigating to the ticket listing and tapping ‘Get verified’ on any ticket that has an outstanding verification requirement. From here the user will be shown a summary of the verification, an overview of how the verification process works, and a ‘Get started’ button.

When a user taps ‘Get started’ a pending verification will be created and a user flow will begin that is identical to the existing verification experience.

Any pending verifications can also be accessed from the ‘Verification’ view that is accessible from the ‘Settings’ menu item.

An example of the email users will receive after getting verified

Operators must opt in if they would like to offer ticketless verification to users which gives more control to operators because there might be other considerations, such as updating communications to users.

When enabled, the ticketless verification capability is in addition to the existing verification flow meaning that the purchase of tickets will always be possible regardless of the user’s verification status.

Ticketless verification will be made available from Wednesday, 8th March 2023. Please contact your customer success manager if you would like to opt in to ticketless verification.