Contactless Journeys PDF export

For operators with our Contactless Journeys capability, customers will soon be able to export the previous 30 days of their journeys and charges to a PDF. This will help them get an external copy of their charges so they can more easily submit expenses to their employer, amongst other uses.

The PDF that is exported will show the date of the export, the date range for the data, basic card information, the sum total of all the charges, and then a breakdown of the fares that contribute to each charge in the date range.

Although it is unlikely, if there are any pending charges within the date range these will not be included in the exported PDF and this is clearly stated at the end of the document. Also, where applicable, any incomplete journeys will be highlighted.

The export functionality will be accessible on both websites and in apps. On websites, users should navigate to Contactless Journeys, view the journeys for the payment card they are interested in (if they have linked multiple cards to their account), and then click ‘Export history’ in the secondary navigation. This will download the completed charges for the previous 30 days as a PDF.

Contactless Journeys on the web with an ‘Export history’ link for exporting a PDF

In apps, it is just as intuitive to access. Users should navigate to Contactless Journeys, ensure they are viewing journeys for the intended contactless payment card, and use the context menu to select ‘Export history (card ending XXXX)’. The user will then get a PDF as either a downloaded file or it will load in a browser window, depending on the preferences set within their mobile operating system.

This functionality will be available from Monday, 3rd October.

The export history button as displayed in app
An excerpt from an example of an exported PDF of journeys