So that customers can quickly compare and pick the most suitable journey plan option we are enhancing journey plan results. This change adds leg information to each journey in the results view to make it easier for customers to plan their travel.
Each plan will display an overview of the entire journey, including any bus services required and each walking leg, without needing to first click through to the full details of the plan. To help customers better understand where walking is in each journey plan walking time will now be displayed for each walking leg.
By showing journey overviews customers can compare the different plans that are available to them and choose the most appropriate based on their preferences, which may be to minimise changing buses or minimise walking between bus services.
These changes will be available in apps and on websites. On websites, to increase focus on the selected journey plan customers will be shown the full journey plan in its own sidebar when tapping on a journey plan option. This mirrors the user experience in apps.
These improvements will be available from Thursday, September 28th 2023, coinciding with the release of app version 50. For more information please contact your Customer Success Manager.