
Updated active ticket view

We have updated the active ticket view to make it clearer for the drivers, increasing the boarding speed.

Coverage can be displayed in selected colours (configurable through Passenger Cloud). It also has a repeating pattern in the background. We are no longer displaying the title of the page, as this has been merged with coverage. This creates more space for the relevant information on the screen, which is important for small phone sizes.

Word of the day font has changed slightly to prevent ligatures.

iOS bug fixes

  • Map was centering on user location instead of selected search result.
  • “My Location” button was hidden under the prompt in some scenarios.
  • Departures board was not refreshing after the app came back from background.

Release notes

Ticket view update
• Updated active ticket view to make it clearer for the drivers, helping you board faster.
• Thanks to your feedback we have identified and squished some small bugs that were niggling away at the explore view and journey planner maps (iOS)

Coming next!

Android is about to get a new operating system update (currently codenamed Android O). We have already started the work and will be introducing some additional functionality for phones supporting Android O with the next app update. This will include better battery management, improvements to notifications and easier to add widgets, as well as a lot of work in the background to make the app more efficient for every Android user.

As part of this update, we will be removing support for old Android versions released before 2013. KitKat, released in 2013, will become the lowest Android OS version supported by Passenger. The users on previous Android versions will be able to keep using Pineapple release, but will not be able to download new releases. Majority of our users – 98% and constantly increasing – are on newer OS versions, as such we want to prioritise the time to deliver new features for majority of users instead of supporting old OS versions.

Release notes for users on old Android operating systems will include:

• From the next app version, Android KitKat will be the minimum required OS version. You will be able continue using the current app release, but you will not be able to get new app updates on your current device. We will do our best to keep things backwards compatible, so you can continue using your device with our app for as long as possible.