Featuring tickets outside of a category on websites and mobile
We are renaming the top-level ticket category from ‘Root level tickets’ to ‘Featured tickets’ in Passenger Cloud to better communicate the reasons why you may want to assign tickets to this category. Operators with more than a small number of tickets are encouraged to organise them by category because this helps end users find their…
Enhanced job vacancy pages to support recruitment campaigns
To help with the recruitment of drivers and other roles, we are enhancing the fields and layout of job vacancy pages in the CMS to improve the application process. Job vacancy pages will now offer additional fields to represent the working location of the role, the closing date for applications, and a link to the…
Improved navigation of planned network change notices in Passenger Cloud
To make it easier to find and manage existing network change notices in Passenger Cloud, we have added a summary of the affected lines to the table, as well as separating past changes into a dedicated tab. Adding a summary of lines to the table will assist in finding the correct change notice should it…
Improvements to the app promotion page
We have been refreshing the design of the mobile app promotion page on operator websites to improve how well they promote mobile apps. To give customers the confidence they have installed the correct app on their mobile device we have made some changes to the top section of the page. It now shows three phone…
Contactless Journeys PDF export
For operators with our Contactless Journeys capability, customers will soon be able to export the previous 30 days of their journeys and charges to a PDF. This will help them get an external copy of their charges so they can more easily submit expenses to their employer, amongst other uses. The PDF that is exported…
Adding ‘Use before’ dates to customer’s tickets and other ticket improvements
To make it clearer to customers that tickets need to be used before a certain date we are adding ‘Use before’ dates to tickets in their list of purchased tickets. This change will only affect tickets that are not activated. Once a ticket is activated the expiry date and time is displayed to show when…
Extending the notice period for planned network changes
To give passengers increased opportunity to learn about planned changes to services that may affect their future travel plans, we are extending the period that we start displaying the change notice from 7 days to 14 days prior to the change start date. The update will be released next Wednesday, 21 September 2022. Read more…
Expanding micromobility support with Superpedestrian
We have successfully integrated micromobility provider Superpedestrian to the Passenger platform alongside existing providers Beryl, nextbike and Co Bikes. Micromobility integration allows riders to see the location and availability of vehicles and stations in the journey planning maps across web and mobile to assist in travel decisions and promote active travel options. Our continued investment…
Improvements to line branding display on web timetables
To make it easier for customers to associate a line logo visually with other sources of information, we have updated the line headers on the timetable pages on operator websites. On desktop, we will show line branding on the left-hand side as a visual anchor, if provided. When viewing on mobile, we will now always…
Faster disruption alert resolution
To speed up the process of managing disruption alerts, you can now resolve one or many of them directly from the disruption alerts list in Passenger Cloud. Disruption alerts are used when planned or unplanned disruptions on a line or stop will affect customer journeys. They are displayed across the website and app so removing…