Displaying Network Alerts on every page of the website
We have released an update that displays current Network Alerts on every page of operator websites. If you fill out the ‘Link’ field when editing the Network Alert, it will be included in the ‘Show details’ link on the website. If multiple Network Alerts are published, users will be directed to your Service Updates page.
Coronavirus – Communication via websites and apps
Reviewing the evolving situation regarding COVID-19, and anticipating changes to your normal operations, we are putting measures in place to help you keep your customers informed. There are a number of actions you may wish to consider implementing, intended to help your customers quickly find the information they need. Add a “Coronavirus update” page to…
Online Verification Service improvements
This new prompt aims to reduce the time it takes for an age-based verification to be completed.
May bank holiday date change for 2020
Last year the government announced that the early May bank holiday in 2020 will move from Monday 4th May to Friday 8th May to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. This is only the second time ever that the early May bank holiday has been moved, with the first occurrence in 1995 to mark…
Improved asset download buttons
We’ve made improvements to download buttons for line assets on Timetable pages. Improved labels On websites where linked lines are displayed as one page, we will show asset downloads with a title that includes every linked line. On websites where linked lines are displayed on separate pages, the label remains the same and displays the…
Improved gift code information in Passenger Cloud
We’ve updated Passenger Cloud to make it easier to see information about gift code purchases and investigate customer’s enquiries. Who the code was sent to When viewing a gift code, you can now see the email address that the gift code was sent to. This is listed as Code Sent To. This is useful for…
Passenger Cloud dynamic updates for DfT’s new Bus Open Data Service
Passenger Cloud now dynamically updates a new ‘Current data’ URL that can be used for the DfT’s new Bus Open Data Service (BODS). The new service was launched on 29th January 2020 and over the next year, will become the home of bus operator data on the web. Following the passing of the Bus Services…
Isochrone preview of network data
Passenger Cloud now supports previewing networks via an isochrone.
Postponing network datasets in Passenger Cloud
The TransXChange data that is exported to Passenger Cloud is used to determine the date that a dataset will be effective from, and the date the dataset will be effective until. We have seen some specific use cases where it would be useful to be able to alter the date that a dataset is effective…
Active Travel on web
With millions of fitness trackers and smartwatches in use the length and breadth of the UK, people are more conscious than ever of reaching our recommended 10,000 daily steps. For bus operators, ‘Active travel’ is a great opportunity to tap into this national narrative. Public transport has a huge part to play because every journey…