Displaying Related Content on the Service Listing page
You are now able to display Related Content on the Service Listing page by adding it in Passenger Content. Related Content is a useful way to direct users to different content related to the Services available. These related items will display in the sidebar (on desktop) and at the bottom of the page (on mobile),…
Ensuring consistent line descriptions across websites and apps
UPDATE – As of 6 Oct 2021 and following feedback from operators, we are reviewing our published plans for ensuring consistent line descriptions across Passenger websites and apps. We would like to reassure operators that no changes will be made until we have conducted further research. We will contact operators once we have further information.…
Displaying email confirmation status in Passenger Cloud
Passenger Cloud now displays the confirmation status of a user’s email address at a glance. The email address status shows whether a user has confirmed they are the owner of the email address used during registration. Confirmation is completed by the user clicking on a link sent to them by email, and then a button…
Adding related content to Section Hubs
Section Hubs on websites are pages that display multiple items in one place. We’re adding a new feature to Section Hubs to add the display of Related Content below the main content. This is a useful way to direct users to different hubs, extra content, or content that’s not quite important enough to be in…
Changes to payment success screens
Payment success screens have been updated to give app users a better overview of the ticket they have just purchased. A product info card has been added to display: The ticket title Operator name Final purchase amount Payment receipt email confirmation. These changes will give users more visibility of important purchase details, and confidence in…
Improving page previews on web
We’ve made improvements to how page previews display on the web, to increase accessibility and performance. This affects previews for Pages, Articles, Events and Attractions. Following the guidance provided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, preview titles will now be underlined by default, with the colour following any existing page design. Additionally, the…
Making embedded videos automatically responsive
We have released an update for Premium websites that will automatically display videos at the correct width and height based on the available space. This update requires Javascript, so will only activate if the user has this turned on in their browser. This works for embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook added via Passenger…
Introducing discount codes
Operators are now able to offer discount codes to their users to provide a percentage or monetary discount off any ticket available for sale. Customers simply enter a discount code during checkout, and if eligible, the discount will be applied to the ticket price. Managed within Passenger Cloud under the Tickets section, discount codes have the following features: Create reusable…
Enhanced User Security with Account Activation
We are rolling out account activation for user accounts to improve security and to support some upcoming features, such as checking discount code eligibility. Activation will only be required for specific upcoming features, otherwise, functionality remains the same. As part of the sign-up process, new users will be advised to activate their account by confirming…
Cancelling journeys at short notice in Passenger Cloud
Following a successful trial, we are rolling out the ability to manually cancel an individual journey in Passenger Cloud. This will then remove that journey from the departure board. At the current time, the risk of staff shortages following COVID Track and Trace isolation requests mean that journeys may be cancelled at very short notice.…