Current datasets in Passenger Cloud
An active dataset can be identified by its CURRENT status. At the moment, for a dataset to become active, it must be Published Within its ‘effective period’. Have the most recent ‘created date‘ (the date it was uploaded to Drafts). To give Dataset Managers more control over when datasets become active, we’ve made the following…
Matching vehicles to scheduled journeys
We have implemented multiple strategies for matching vehicle activity from SIRI-VM feeds to their scheduled journeys. You can now view the fields used to match to journeys in the “Vehicle activity” table in Passenger Cloud. Using these fields, you can compare the data sent from your SIRI-VM feed to your TransXChange to ensure journeys are…
Simplifying navigation for web users
To further improve our product, we’re making some minor changes to the navigation for websites. 1. Search input removed on mobile ‘Search’ will now be a menu item, identical to the desktop view. Tapping that will take users to the search page and immediately let them start typing for a search topic. This change helps…
Cancelling parts of multiple journeys
We are releasing a further workflow enhancement to the Passenger Cloud Journey Cancellations tool. This will now let operators quickly cancel multiple stops within multiple journeys at once. Please visit the Help Desk for a step-by-step guide to journey cancellations. We will continue to make improvements in this area and may release additional small UI changes.…
Send users to specific ticket product and categories with unique links
To allow operators to send users to specific ticket products and categories, we now create unique links to them that can be shared publicly. When followed, these links will open a ticket product or category directly in the iOS or Android app ready for the user to browse or purchase. Users without the app installed…
Displaying Description and Detail field on Timetable pages
We recently made a change to the Line List that displays the “Description” and “Detail” fields on websites. A change to Timetable pages that will show those same fields in the header will be released shortly. Currently, Timetable pages display the “Origin”, “Destination” and “Via” fields at the top of the page. These will be…
Whole and partial journey cancellations workflow in Passenger Cloud
To enable operators to cancel multiple whole or partial journeys faster, we have changed the Journey Cancellations workflow in Passenger Cloud. The user interface now incorporates new page views and the use of multi-selection controls allowing the operator to: Cancel multiple complete lines, choosing whether this includes outbound and inbound Cancel more than one whole…
Improving ticket scanning reliability and speed
To improve the reliability and speed of scanning a ticket, we have improved the screen behaviour when displaying a ticket on mobile devices. This will ensure that the device is ready to be scanned when required. There will be two specific changes in the next release: The brightness of the ticket screen will automatically set…
Resolving SIRI-VM data matching errors in Passenger Cloud
To enable operator staff to more easily spot and resolve data issues from vehicle monitoring feeds, we now display all vehicle activity sent from SIRI-VM feeds in Passenger Cloud. This is shown in the Vehicle Activity table on the Vehicle monitoring subscription page. When unmatched activity is detected in the vehicle activity data, a warning…
Cancel a Journey user interface styling
The Cancel a Journey page within Passenger Cloud is being given a new styling that will make cancelling journeys quicker. Previously, a drop-down was used to select a journey by start time. Following this change, a filterable table with more information and select buttons will be shown. This reduces the number of clicks required to…