Initial support for cancellations via SIRI-SM feeds for departure boards

Continuing our commitment to ensuring passengers have the most accurate real time information when travelling, we are implementing support for two methods of cancelling visits in real time stop monitoring feeds for departure boards only.

Using these methods will:

  • Reduce the impact of cancellations not being entered in a timely manner into Passenger Cloud
  • Give users greater confidence that information is accurate

Please note – operators are still currently required to enter cancellations into both supplier systems and Passenger Cloud for Journey Plans to not recommend a cancelled journey.

The following methods will cause visits to no longer appear in departure boards:

  • if the MonitoredCall->DepartureStatus field equals “cancelled”
  • if a MonitoredStopVisitCancellation element is included in the StopMonitoringDelivery, and the ItemRef matches the ItemIdentifier on a MonitoredStopVisit

If you’re expecting visits to be removed from departure boards via SIRI cancellations but they’re still showing, then please confirm with the supplier that either of the above methods are set up for your SIRI-SM feed.

We are continuing our research into utilising and interpreting various data sources in this area and have future improvements planned within our RTI roadmap.

This change will take on place on January 4th 2022. We welcome your feedback as always. If you have any questions at all, please get in touch.