Additional vehicle information options

Our enhanced vehicle information system now includes additional vehicle options to choose from:

  • Individual lounge seating
  • Glass ceiling
  • Double glazing
  • “Next stop” display
  • Low emission engine
  • Zero emission engine
  • Reading lights
  • Coat hooks
  • Luggage racks
  • Library

These can be found alongside existing vehicle information options in Passenger Cloud.

Adding this information to vehicles can provide users with confidence that the bus they want to catch meets their needs before it arrives. 

The changes will appear straight away on websites, and for all users who have installed the latest update on mobile apps.

On the web, iOS and Android, the new information will appear on the vehicles they belong to and be categorised appropriately.

A screenshot on iPad showing a bus with examples of the new available Vehicle Information fields

If you have any questions, please let us know.