Favourites on the web, including accounts and syncing

In December we published our release notes for Humphrey on mobile, which included Favourites on the web. These release notes go into more detail for the features involved and our rollout plan for them.

Saving Favourites

An example of displaying Favourites on Nottingham City Transport

Favourites allows users to save Stops, Routes and Journey Plans for easy access later.

Managing Favourites on the web

By default these Favourites are stored locally in the browser, rather than in the cloud. If a user accesses the website from their phone or from a different browser the Favourites they saved won’t automatically be available to them from the second location.

Managing accounts and syncing Favourites

As part of this update, we will be adding the ability for users to create an account and sync their saved Favourites across devices – if they’d like to. Many have already expressed a desire to be able to do this through their feedback to you.

By logging in, a user’s saved Favourites will sync to Passenger’s servers. If a user already has an account in your Passenger mobile apps (if as an operator you are using that part of the Passenger ecosystem), then they can log in on the website using the same details.

Rolling out Favourites and Accounts

Favourites and Accounts will roll out in phases over the coming weeks. You’ll be contacted by your account manager before the update is made so you can let users know about the features we’re adding in this release.

Your website will only get the account feature – and the associated ability for users to sync their Favourites to the cloud – if Passenger Technology Group has been identified contractually as a ‘data processor’. If you have a Passenger app, we will be already identified as such.

If you have a Passenger website and you have any questions about this update, please drop us a line.