Improved content discovery on websites

We’re rolling out some important updates to the CMS of Passenger Cloud, to enable editors greater control of how content associates and displays to users browsing the web. This release will be rolled out to all operator websites.

Relevant events added to attractions

When viewing an attraction page, you’ll now be able to see any events that are taking place there.

Contextual service updates on the line list

When viewing the list of lines,users will be able to quickly see any lines that are affected by disruptions.

Ordering of sections

Previously we added the ability to add a page into a pre-defined section and it will appear on the site in that location. With this update, you will now be able to reorder the items within that section.

New editable pages

Previously uneditable pages (such as ‘Mobile Tickets’) now exist as a page inside the CMS, which means they can be added to and reordered in a section. You can now also edit the title, summary, body copy and featured image.

Displaying related content

When editing a page or article, you will be able to add related items to that content, to help a user find associated information. Related items will appear at the bottom of a page, or on a feature preview.