Offer discounts per ticket in Travel Portal

Passenger Cloud now gives commercial teams far greater control in managing the revenue impact of selling tickets via Travel Portal.

The latest update allows operators to set different discount rates on a per ticket basis, meaning you can further fine tune your offering based on factors such as the ticket value, ticket type or ticket volume.

When setting up tickets for a Travel Portal business account in Passenger Cloud, you can choose to make all tickets available at a fixed discount rate of your choice.

Or, you can opt for the advanced configuration which allows you to select which tickets are available to the business, and apply a specific discount to each one. You can also retrospectively adjust the discount rate for any tickets already available to existing businesses. This means tickets that were previously not made available to businesses because of their high value and potential revenue loss due to the fixed discount rate, can now be treated on a case by case basis, potentially unlocking further sales.

For ease of reference in the future, the Business Details screen will show whether the business has “All Tickets (and the default discount rate applied)” or “Selected Tickets” To view the selected ticket discount rates you can access them in the Ticket Availability page.

This change will be made available on 1st October 2024. For any questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager.