Introducing animated graphics on websites

Beyond decorative benefits, the use of animations in the user experience can increase delight by providing a sense of motion as the user completes their goal, and can call attention to elements that may otherwise be missed.

As such, we have started to animate some of the graphics a user sees throughout the website. We have thought carefully about the graphics to update usefully and to avoid distraction, and will begin with the following:

  • Carbon savings on Journey Planner (pictured)
  • Favourites management
  • Newsletter envelope in the footer
  • Contactless journeys card management
Animated graphic of a light bulb, television and mobile phone

To maintain accessibility standards, if a user has chosen to reduce motion within their operating system settings, we will not animate that graphic.

Users will start seeing these updates soon, and over time we will look to add animation to more graphics, as well as introducing them on mobile apps. We’ll keep a close eye on user behaviour and feedback, and if you have any requests or ideas please let us know.