Populating branded line names for disruptions in Passenger Cloud

To help save time for operator staff and promote consistency we are going to start including the line brand name in the line alert disruption tool in Passenger Cloud.

This means that line brand names will display in the options list of lines affected and also in the fields that get populated when using the autofill functionality.

To use the autofill functionality first select at least a start date, a cause, an effect, and any lines affected, then click on the ‘Autofill headline and description’ button. This will populate the Headline and Description fields with appropriate text, including line brand names if appropriate.

A screenshot of the line alert disruption in Passenger Cloud, showing branded line names

Operators with branded lines will no longer need to manually edit the fields to insert the line brand name and it will also be easier to ensure that line brands are referred to with more consistency throughout an operator’s app and website. For any operator who wishes to, the Headline and Description fields will remain editable.

This change will be available from Thursday, 8th December 2022.