Third party cookies on websites

This change has no effect on websites that use a third-party cookie consent solution.

To ensure websites are compliant with cookie management guidelines and best practice from the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), we are making a change to how user consent is acquired on websites.

Previously, cookies were enabled with a banner notice informing the user of their use. This is not good practice as the ICO states that the user must explicitly opt-in to the use of cookies, so accordingly we are updating the function to where the user must accept the use of cookies.

To ensure this does not negatively impact the user experience of the site, a notice will now be displayed in the bottom right of the user’s browser, and will remain until they either accept or reject it. They will be able to use the site as normal if they do not make a choice, but no cookies will be used until the user accepts the notice.

Until they accept, or if they choose to decline cookies, Google Analytics will not track that user and no third-party additions on websites that use cookies will be loaded.

To honour the user preferences this may result in a reduction in recorded interactions in Google Analytics and limited information in any other plugins, but in our testing and research, the change has been minimal.

This change will be rolled out from the 11th April, and we will continue to monitor the data management capabilities of our websites according to ICO rules and guidance.

The new cookie banner design in action on desktop
The new opt-in cookie banner design in action on mobile

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch.