Upgrades to the Passenger Cloud payments report

We have two new upgrades on the way for the Passenger Cloud payments report.

Subscription payment info: Our Passenger Cloud payments report allows operators to review payment details within customisable timeframes. Following feedback from our operators we have added a new column to the Payments Report download file, which will show if any payments are subscription purchases. This will allow operators to use the information for finance reporting and monitor sales statistics on subscription tickets.

You’ll find the report on the Finance/Payments screen and by clicking the ‘Download Payments’ button. The new ‘Subscription’ column is at the end of the downloaded report, which means it will not interfere with any integrations you have with the existing columns. The column will indicate with a ‘Y’ (Yes) if the sale is a subscription payment, otherwise it will show ‘N’ (No).

Date column format: On the Payments page table, we are changing the format of the date column from UTC, to local time so that it matches the rest of Passenger Cloud. The downloaded file date column is not being affected and will remain in UTC format.

These updates will be released in Passenger Cloud by the end of business on Thursday 23rd May 2024. For more information please contact your Customer Success Manager.