To broaden the visibility of release notes that communicate improvements to the platform (like this one!), we will now publish update notifications inside Passenger Cloud alongside our usual communications via email and Product Updates.
We have improved the banner in Passenger Cloud that links to this release blog, changing to a collapsable overlay that contains headlines of the 3 most recent release notes. Clicking on any of the headlines will open the release note in a new window to read in full.

The overlay will automatically expand when there are new release notes published, but can be collapsed into a small banner and will stay collapsed until a new release note is published, where it expands so the user is aware there is new content to view.
This change will ensure that a much larger set of users will be notified of changes and learn about the improvements available to riders or to themselves and their team’s workflows.
This release blog, release note emails, and summaries in the frequent Product Updates will continue as normal. We will be adding this change to Passenger Cloud on Monday, 22nd April 2024.