Operators will now be able to cancel a gift code from Passenger Cloud, to make it straightforward to prevent a gift code from being claimed.
This will save time for operators who want to cancel gift codes that have been issued using the Travel Portal, but where users can’t raise credit because the order was created more than 30 days ago. It also enables other situations where an operator may need to cancel a gift code without refunding the customer.
You can access this by searching for a gift code in the Customer Support section of Passenger Cloud, or by first viewing a customer, tapping ‘Gift codes’ and then selecting one of that customer’s purchased gift codes. From the gift code screen, there is a ‘Cancel gift code’ button, which will ask for confirmation before cancelling the gift code. Cancelled gift codes cannot be re-enabled.
This new functionality is in addition to existing functionality, meaning it is now possible to:
- Cancel an unclaimed gift code, where it will be cancelled and the customer will not be refunded
- Refund an unclaimed gift code, where it will be cancelled and the customer will be refunded
- Refund a claimed gift code, where the issued ticket will continue to work but the customer will be refunded
- Remove a ticket issued to a user that claimed a gift code, where the cost of the gift code won’t be refunded to the original purchaser
We will release this change to Passenger Cloud on Monday, 29th January 2024. For more information please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.