So that operators can manage the potential risks caused by personnel changes they can now manage aspects of staff access to Passenger Cloud.
Operator staff with the ‘Staff management agent’ role can quickly review staff roles and revoke access to Passenger Cloud at any time of day and on any day of the week, without needing to wait for Passenger Help Desk to action a request.
From the ‘Staff’ tile on the Passenger Cloud dashboard, staff management agents can see all staff with access to Passenger Cloud alongside a list of their roles.

To help operators efficiently audit access to Passenger Cloud, a list of current staff members and their roles can also be exported as a CSV from the Staff section by selecting ‘Export staff members’.
Selecting a staff member by clicking on their email address will then display a list of all of the possible roles that can be assigned with the currently assigned roles denoted by a checkbox. Staff agents should continue to contact Help Desk to update roles for operator staff, this allows us to ensure that users are provided with necessary training on parts of the system they are now able to access. Keep your eyes peeled for a big announcement about our new training platform, Passenger Academy, which is coming soon!
To remove access to Passenger Cloud for any staff member, select them from the list of staff and click ‘Revoke staff access’ at the bottom of the list of roles.
This is available now, to assign this new role to any member of your staff please submit a request to Help Desk. For any other queries related to this release please contact your Customer Success Manager.