We are introducing changes to network datasets in Passenger Cloud to make it clearer to operators when datasets are being imported, deleted, or pending import from the list of published and draft datasets.
Any dataset that is being imported will be shown in the list of draft datasets, so that progress can be seen without needing to keep the dataset import window open. This also means that it is possible to see the status of all datasets in one place, regardless of whether they are currently being imported or pending import.

If any datasets on the network datasets page are in the process of being imported or deleted then the list will refresh automatically every 30 seconds, to show the latest status of datasets.
We are also introducing a limit to the number of datasets that can be in the system so that we can better manage the performance and reliability of aspects of the Journey Planner systems.

This limit does not currently impact any operators, but if it is reached a warning will display to indicate that no more datasets can be imported. This can be resolved easily by deleting any draft or published datasets that are no longer needed.
The provisional limit is currently going to be set at 12. This might change in the future, in which case we will contact any operators that may be affected.
These changes will be released on Wednesday, 30th November 2022.