Whole and partial journey cancellations workflow in Passenger Cloud

To enable operators to cancel multiple whole or partial journeys faster, we have changed the Journey Cancellations workflow in Passenger Cloud.

The user interface now incorporates new page views and the use of multi-selection controls allowing the operator to:

  • Cancel multiple complete lines, choosing whether this includes outbound and inbound
  • Cancel more than one whole journey at a time
  • Cancel partial journeys – certain stops or multiple stops within a single journey – without having to select each one individually.

Please visit the Help Desk for a step-by-step guide to journey cancellations. This change will take place on the 26th January 2022.

We will continue to make improvements in this area and may release additional small UI changes. We are also continuing our efforts to automate cancellations wherever possible, utilising SIRI feeds from suppliers.

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch.