Creating a ticket – new verification requirement field

From next week, you’ll have control over the type of verification that’s needed on a per-ticket basis.

All existing tickets are unchanged. If you create a brand new student or child mobile ticket in Passenger Cloud that needs to be verified then you’ll need to make sure it has the right type of verification selected.

Why have we made this change?

We’re adding this in preparation for the new online verification service that we will be launching in ‘Beta’ soon. If you would like to know more please get in touch.

The new verification requirement field

The new option appears when you create a new ticket.

The new ‘Verification requirement’ option

How will this change impact me?

If you don’t have verifications enabled for any of your tickets this won’t affect you. The only option you will see is ‘None’ when you create a new ticket.

If you already have verifications enabled you won’t have to make any changes to your existing tickets. When you set up any new tickets that require verification, you will now need to select the correct option for that ticket from the drop-down list. This is normally the passenger class, for example, student or child.