Customer notes and feedback in Passenger Cloud

Make notes about a customer in Passenger Cloud

Customer Support agents and supervisors can now make notes about a customer in Passenger Cloud. (You can find out more about administrator role types and what they can access in our Help Desk.)

This update will help agents to record details about actions they’ve made as part of an interaction with a customer, such as why they’ve issued a complimentary ticket.

Customer notes - Passenger Cloud

To view existing notes and add new ones, search for the customer and select “View notes” from the left hand menu.

View customer feedback in Passenger Cloud

We’ve also recently made some changes to the way that we collect feedback from customers via the apps. Following these changes agents can now view feedback from a customer alongside other information about their account in Passenger Cloud. To view feedback, search for the customer and select “View feedback” from the left hand menu.

Unfortunately feedback received from a customer before these changes won’t be available in Passenger Cloud, so it’s important to remember that there may be previous feedback from customers that doesn’t appear here.