We’ve added the ability to display Live Buses on maps on our web widgets, matching our mobile apps. This means passengers can now see in near-real time the location of buses, so they can be at a stop in time to board, or track their movements across a journey.
Live Buses will only be available if you have the Live Buses module enabled – please contact your account manager to discuss if you’d like this feature.
Where the data is available, we can show buses in real time on three different locations:
Live Buses arriving or departing from a stop

On the Explore view, when tapping a stop, users may now be presented with the option to ‘Track Buses’. Tapping this takes them to a new view that shows the directions of various routes passing through that stop, including the live bus locations for those buses.
On a Journey view
When viewing a single journey, the user can see buses that relate to that journey moving along the map.
On Route Maps
When viewing a timetable page, if the Route Map can be displayed we also show related buses where possible.